Friday, March 02, 2007

Personal Status

What is the purpose of
Personal Status on MSN Messenger?
I'm talking about
(Online)(Busy)(Be Right Back)
(Away)(On the Phone)and(Lunch).

-no reply by who are (Online) and after 2hours
"sorry, i was playing fullscreen game"

Then why are you in MSN?

-to be talked by who are (Busy)
How can you do that even you are busy?

-to be talked by who are (Away)or(Be Right Back)
How can you talk without your body? Aren't you away, are you?
Are you a goast?

-to be talked even I'm setting (Busy)(Away)
I'm not a goast, sorry.

This is just my opinion.
If you've got your opinion
which I can accept, tell me.
or they're just useless?