Monday, June 25, 2007


Well. I'm quite surprised this blog is still alive.
Life of the people who got a diary updated everyday
is quite chaos I think.
I wonder how they can write so much.
I know sometimes it's a just nonsense gloomy post
but they do write something anyway.

MZ-3307 ZONE is becaming desert too.

I've realized, if I just leave them,
it's same as I don't have them.
Means I have no rights to blame the people
who keep closing their blogs.


So, hello everyone.
Some people still think I'm in Japan now.
I will tell clearly now,
I'm in Brisbane Australia.
What am I doing there?
Kind of student. I think.
Got arcade but it's bloody far from my house
and deadly expensive to play GFDM.
Well, everything is expensive in AU anyway...
or maybe SG is too cheap
because according to the opinion of
the Japanese abroading students is
things in AU are cheaper than in JP.
Well, I don't know because
I have no Japanese friends in my campus.
But the arcade in JP is cheaper I think?
Cheaper than even in SG?
Oh well, GFDM are not made in AU.

Some of FAQs.
When am I going back to SG?
Around this December to next February.
but once I entered SG,
I can stay only one month because
I have cancelled my PR.
Where did MaRi go?
DON'T ASK ME. I'm not MaRi.
Why did I sometimes ignore you
or stop talking on MSN?
The messages often go to the heaven
and never come back.
For example.
These two below show the conversation windows
each users' computer.
The time in the brackets represents
when did that message has appeared.

-Person A's computer

A says: hello (08:46)
A says: can you send me some stuffs? (08:47)
A says: are you there? (08:51)
B says: hi (08:56)

-Person B's computer

A says: hello (08:46)
B says: hi (08:47)
A says: are you there? (08:58)

This always happens to me.
Therefore, this "can you send me some stuffs?"
has gone to heaven.
And also "are you there?" has been delayed too.
This is just a simple example. It's actually worse.
Really annoying. Makes people misunderstood.

Next, this one is a true story.
Translated from Japanese to English.
In that time, we were going to meet
each other but I wasn't sure about the dinner.
Person A is me.
I think you can guess who is Person B.

A says: are we gonna have dinner tomorrow?

B says: ok i gtg now
B says: good night

Luckly I knew he replied
something about dinner and
anyhow that message has gone to heaven so
I didn't feel I was ignored but......
IT'S JUST ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!!!



ok i gtg now
good night