answer sheet
From my True Friend Test.
Here's the answers and comment.
If you didn't do the question below this post,
and still want to do, please do not read yet.
Q.1 What is my real name on passport?
A.1 C - Sho Nakajima
Unless you choose Kozo Nakamura, I don't mind :p
Q.2 Where is my big gulp always got?
A.2 C - Im my bag
Q.3 When is my birthday? (dd/mm/yy)
A.3 check it urself la
Please do not get worried if you got wrong,
because I don't want people to know my Bday xD
But thank you for people who got right anyway.
Q.4 Which game I never played before?
A.4 B - Trickster
I couldn't even download exe -_-lll
Q.5 Which color I don/'t like?
A.5 C - Yellow
Should be easy, I kept saying
"I want to become Orange Player" or
"I want to keep my green name"
because I hate yellow xD
Pink? I like cherry blossoms and strawberry.
Q.6 What is my bloodtype?
Q.6 A - A
I'm quite surprised most people got right answer!
Did I tell before? If yes then OOPS :x
Most of my Japanese acquaintances answered
B or AB when asked.
Q.7 Which player I respect most? (DM)
A.7 B - RURUN.
You don't even know who the hell is RURUN.? xD
Q.8 Which song I cannot get even A? (DM)
Only PIPELINE, I can get S.
Q.9 Which long song I full combo? (GF)
A.9 D - (never full combo long songs before)
Those A, B and C songs are like
2misses 4misses, 90%+ max combo one.
I never full combo long songs both GF and DM.
Q.10 Which food I vomitted before?
A.10 B - McSpicy
Q.11 How come my DM playing is generally slient?
A.11 C - To get higher perfect rate
I'm playing DM like pressing the buttons.
To get the accurate timing.
Q.12 How many GDA/DTX files I got in my HDD? (approx)
A.12 A - 4000
I don't keep the GDA not nice one. therefore got only few.
Q.13 Which piece is not officially listed on my music list?
A.13 C - Annpuu / Yamiarashi
Q.14 Have I dyed my hair before?
A.14 D - Purple
LOL. wait wait wait waitt!!
Don't get shocked.
This color lasted only a day :x
I guess "A - Never" can be correct in some ways...
And I'm not going to dye my hair anymore.
Q.15 What temperature I\'m setting for the air conditioner in my room?
A.15 D - 27
I don't usually even use air conditioner anyway -_-lll
I won't put scoreboard because.... yeah. -_-
Here's the answers and comment.
If you didn't do the question below this post,
and still want to do, please do not read yet.
Q.1 What is my real name on passport?
A.1 C - Sho Nakajima
Unless you choose Kozo Nakamura, I don't mind :p
Q.2 Where is my big gulp always got?
A.2 C - Im my bag
Q.3 When is my birthday? (dd/mm/yy)
A.3 check it urself la
Please do not get worried if you got wrong,
because I don't want people to know my Bday xD
But thank you for people who got right anyway.
Q.4 Which game I never played before?
A.4 B - Trickster
I couldn't even download exe -_-lll
Q.5 Which color I don/'t like?
A.5 C - Yellow
Should be easy, I kept saying
"I want to become Orange Player" or
"I want to keep my green name"
because I hate yellow xD
Pink? I like cherry blossoms and strawberry.
Q.6 What is my bloodtype?
Q.6 A - A
I'm quite surprised most people got right answer!
Did I tell before? If yes then OOPS :x
Most of my Japanese acquaintances answered
B or AB when asked.
Q.7 Which player I respect most? (DM)
A.7 B - RURUN.
You don't even know who the hell is RURUN.? xD
Q.8 Which song I cannot get even A? (DM)
Only PIPELINE, I can get S.
Q.9 Which long song I full combo? (GF)
A.9 D - (never full combo long songs before)
Those A, B and C songs are like
2misses 4misses, 90%+ max combo one.
I never full combo long songs both GF and DM.
Q.10 Which food I vomitted before?
A.10 B - McSpicy
Q.11 How come my DM playing is generally slient?
A.11 C - To get higher perfect rate
I'm playing DM like pressing the buttons.
To get the accurate timing.
Q.12 How many GDA/DTX files I got in my HDD? (approx)
A.12 A - 4000
I don't keep the GDA not nice one. therefore got only few.
Q.13 Which piece is not officially listed on my music list?
A.13 C - Annpuu / Yamiarashi
Q.14 Have I dyed my hair before?
A.14 D - Purple
LOL. wait wait wait waitt!!
Don't get shocked.
This color lasted only a day :x
I guess "A - Never" can be correct in some ways...
And I'm not going to dye my hair anymore.
Q.15 What temperature I\'m setting for the air conditioner in my room?
A.15 D - 27
I don't usually even use air conditioner anyway -_-lll
I won't put scoreboard because.... yeah. -_-
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