Friday, July 06, 2007


The funny conversation I found today.

Person A, B, C, and D.
A and B are male, C and D are female.
They probably wanted to go cinema and watch movie.
The cinema was at 5th floor, and
they didn't want to walk, so
they tried to use a lift.
But the lift was very slow.
About three minutes later, one of the lifts came
but it was going down to the basement.

C "hey it's coming."
A "no, it's going down i think"

C stepped into the lift.
but ofcourse, other three didn't.

C "? why we can't use it?"
B "well, we're goin up to 5th floor, they're goin down."
C "how'd you know it's goin down?"
B "get out from the lift first, they are waiting =.="

The door closed.

C "i don't get what you're talkin about,
then when's the lift coming?!"

Well, lifts are not commonly used in AU.
Maybe that's why.