Friday, August 24, 2007


If you have a question about someone,
why do people try not asking that person.
Person A wants to ask something person B,
but A asked B's friend, C.
A usually doesn't notice C is really irritated.
C will feel "I'm not existing for talking about B."
Including me, many people cannot ask
the things about someone direcly to that person.
But please notice that if you asked other friend,
that person will feel being used as a tool.

And also, sometimes people assume the relationships.
If you see B and C is always together at your school,
you will probably assume they are very close.
But reason why they are always together
might be just they are in same class.
Each of them might have closer friends
outside from the school, who knows.

Erm, I really want to write more, but

MapleSEA is waiting for me!!XD
I don't think I can be away from it!!XD
Because time is remaining!!XD

XD said : Then do it!

Yes I will. Bye.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007



So, I started playing MapleSEA
because I have totally nothing to do over here.
Ofcourse JMS is bannced as usual.

But I don't think I will come back to JMS
even I came back to Japan
because I got more messos than JMS,
and I got stronger than JMS.

Oh, my fame is not minus one anymore.
Job is dit. Well, I'm always dit.
I have no idea about other jobs, even sins.
I want to be chief bandit which I couldn't at JMS.
Train more in the future!
Erm, I really want to play now, but

Project is waiting for me!!XD
I don't think I can finish it!!XD
Because time is not remaining!!XD

XD said : Then do it!

Oops. I've just made
the new charactDO IT LAHHHHHHHHH!!!