Friday, October 22, 2010

fire burst

I don't know if I will continue updating this blog.

Now I've seen most people are doing something like called "facebook".
Therefore, they also have closed their blogspot.
It sounds like that I'm the only one who still moving around

I know it's because I don't update so much like before, but I can see it's going to be a waste of time if I write something here.
Everytime I write something to tell my situation(like which country I'm staying now), it's useeless because people who really wants to know never read this blog anymore and ask me instead.

However. Another reason why nobody dare to read this blog is because of facebook.
I can see it.
Everyday open internet and the first thing to do is facebook.

This situation is exactly same as what I've got in Japan.

There is a website called "mixi" and the number of access per day is almost same as YAHOO! JAPAN.
That's what I heard.
I'm not doing neither mixi nor facebook so I am not very sure about them, but I guess "mixi" is facebook's Japanese version.

I used to moving around Japanese people's website, but after mixi was out, every website I see is..

"This website has been closed since I moved to mixi"
"Hi, so long time no update lol. I started mixi, so I don't think I will update here so much. See you at mixi"
"This is copy&paste from mixi, for more details, go to mixi."

People who are not doing this kind of website are just isolated so much.

After mixi was out, many Japanese people asked me like this.

"Can you tell me your mixi?"

This is like a fomular of "mixi = 100% of Japanese people are doing".

If you don't get what I said, I'll explain.

"Can you tell me your mixi?"
At least they should ask "Are you doing mixi?" first right?
They assumed that I already have mixi if they ask like that.


Since no one is reading here.

What is the point to type so much here.

"IF" there are anyone who still read here, go back to facebook now and don't come back here anymore.
Blogspot is boring right?
Don't waste your time.