Saturday, March 01, 2008

more more

More movies I made!

Make movie for nothing.
I think the second one is not useful movie
unless you still play Maple.
I don't play that often too due to school.

Well, I still got one more movie that I'm making, but

Homework is waiting for me!!XD
I don't think I can finish it!!XD
Because time is not remaining!!XD

XD said : Then do it!

Oops. It's actually time to

zzz ok I will....

XD says:
so what is your homework?

Shouji says:
i need research. and write summary of them.

XD says:
zzz i remember you really hate summarising...

Shouji says:
see? so there's no way to finish these.
ok good nigDO IT LAHHHHHHHHH!!! (XD says:)