Wednesday, January 11, 2006


DMV2 S-MILK12 84x.xx
GFV2 S-MILK12 1101.xx
DTX S-MILK12 1229.12

I was on a small trip. I went to AMK, CCK, and DBG.
It was a big circle on the MRT. ( I'm living in Newton. )

At the first, AMK.
Wow, the condition was really nice. The cymbal has been fixed.
and finally, I passed "The least 100sec ADV".
I also played Ez2Dj 6th Trax. Erm, not too bad.
The floor was vibrating whenever I steped on the pedal.

The next place was CCK.
The escalator was clouded, so I used the stairs.
When I reached the ticket gate,
I saw the guy I didn't expected to see here.
Yes, he was hatachi+(SHENGTAT).
We started being crazy. ( what! )
We went McDonald to eat lunch. SKYDAZER was there, too.
He had a small break because it was holiday.
After eat lunch, we went to ZONE-X as usual.
ZONE-X at CCK is really comfortable to play E-AMUSE.
My GF reached Banana-Milk!! It was easier than I expected.
I still didn't play CARNIVAL DAY. I'll keep that song for a long time.
Maybe I'll try to reach Orange-Milk now. It's quite hard, BUT
it's extremely eaiser than Green Apple-Milk on DM.
I didn't play DM so much. Once I played, I felt really irritated.

Please do not expect Green Apple-Milk on DM.

And DBG.
I olnly played Ez2Dj 1st s/e. I really hate GFDM at DBG.
BAD condition, UN-blanced Volume. Everything irritate me.
I'm not going to play skill song at DBG. It's just wasting money.
However, I'm always at DBG because there are a lot of friends to talk!!!!


Blogger Maurice said...

haha. ya. come back to CCK anytime.
eh. never say mua was there.

good luck on orange-juice... no, milk.

And I still expect your green-apple-milk soon. I treat u to hokkien mee if you get it.

12 January, 2006 12:14  
Blogger Maurice said...

hey. u forget to post your 86th song yet. I'm still waiting.... for your "Seasons of Milk".. no, "Mind".

12 January, 2006 12:16  
Blogger Horikawa said...

surprise, surprise. hatachi+ strikes again!

12 January, 2006 19:16  
Blogger Shouji said...

fresh orange juice. wahaha.
is there any seasons of milk?
moo moo.

doooom!! I lose (?)

13 January, 2006 06:09  
Blogger Horikawa said...

seasons of mini-frog-croak-croak cow and milk


13 January, 2006 13:49  

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